Why do we always eat Fajitas?

-Grandpa, grandpa! Tell us the story of the kiss.

-Oh! well, that story is legendary and a bliz,

-It all started with dinner. I cooked fajitas and she was delighted,

-From agua de Jamaica to chicharron, her mind became decided.

-At that time, your grandma wasn’t sure, to even hold my hands.

-Why Grandpa? Well, because of Love. Love has no assurances nor any plans.

-I don’t understand. Well, your grandma dated the wrong guy.

– Oh I see, and then you came grandpa? Yes, the first and last gentleman.

-So what happened? -That night I won her heart.

-How? -With good food and my smarts.

-Food is her way to her heart?

-Yes, you know grandma’s appetite!

-But, tell me more!

-In a gentleman’s way, I drove her home.

-And then what happened?

-Well, before a word was said.

-She jumped to thoroughly kiss me ahead.

(Grandma) -Are you telling the wrong story again?

(Grandpa) -There is no wrong in your surprising intent.

(Grandma) -Tell them how it really went,

How you trick my attempt.

– I never tricked you ever.

– I asked for a French kiss whatsoever,

– A kiss on every cheek.

– But you decided to go for the lips.

-So, Grandpa that was all that was needed?

-Yes my son, your Grandma her enchantment completed.

-And, that is why fajitas are always on the table,

-To remember that night forever.

By |2024-02-10T20:23:37-05:00February 24, 2019|Categories: Poem|Tags: , |
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